Spiritual Medicine:
Biblical Inspiration for Life
Founded by Author Yvette Salinas, "Faith Leads the Way".
We have open arms to those longing for a space to express their faith and love of Christ
as they manage, navigate and cope with chronic illnesses.
Jesus heals.
We boldly encourage you to ask for prayer and support. We're a faith based community that is a part of Juicy Fruits Ministry. We offer support filled with love, hope, and resources for chronically ill patients whether they are families or individuals, caregivers and friends.
Come and be a part of this thriving and hope-filled community.
Only love. All God and Jesus leading us. No bullying or discrimination accepted.
Touching Lives at Spiritual Medicine
Our Community
Purpose and Culture
Welcome to Spiritual Medicine! We're so happy you found us on the worldwide internet, aka Google. Our name sounded curious to you. Yes, we are a hybrid group offering a faith and support based approach. We see God's word as "medicine." However, we want everyone to take and follow the advice and care of your medical teams. Take your medicine! We are a part of a nonprofit and peer-based support community that gives non-medical advice. You can take a breath and freely share your faith, experiences, and vulnerabilities, or listen and more in our virtual Zoom support groups or on our private FaceBook.
Our program, Spiritual Medicine, is a part of Juicy Fruits Ministry, Yvette's private family nonprofit, which has been giving back and supporting people since 2000. Please scroll through our space for help, encouragement, and an inviting sense of knowing that you are supported as a person diagnosed along with caregivers, care partners, or caretakers. We are here for anyone on their healing journey. We offer prayer and praise, essential need grants called Acts of Love Award from private donations, resources, and friendship. If you'd like to donate or volunteer, we need you. Keep scrolling. Click the button to connect.

Message from us...

Faith Support Gatherings
Bible Based Chronic Illness Group
Every month we gather via Zoom to discuss relevant topic's, share God, and our experiences good, blah, or difficult. All love. All compassion. No shaming.
How does our faith gives us hope, strength and comfort as we walk with God?
What lessons transformed you? We will be transparent to discuss our difficulties.
In our weakness we become stronger.
We invite you to share this time with us. RSVP required for Zoom link.
(Dates subject to change, but we'll let you know).
Spiritual Medicine x Helping Others

Pass along or click our the below link to make a difference. Juicy Fruits Ministry is our 501(c)(3). 100% Tax-deductible. Your donations go to our Acts of Love Award for essential needs. Give Hope.
We have celebrated our 3rd Anniversary, 2024 and look forward to 2025! Spiritual Medicine's so humbled to be here for you. Your presence and request for support and essential needs come to us on and offline. It has been a joy to provide support via Spiritual Medicine support groups, FB Live streams, posting Spiritual Medicine wisdom, and encircling our community with prayer and uplifting support. God's love is upon you always. We thank you for choosing to be supported with us.
We are here for you spiritually, emotionally, and financially. 100 cents on every dollar donated for essential needs goes directly to fulfill your needs submitted through our "Acts of Love Award" grant, year round. We appreciate you choosing JFM/Spiritual Medicine for your life.
join our community!

Watch a Glimpse of Gratitude of Praise
Why Praise Matters
“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord”
(Psalm 150:6)
Bless the Lord, oh my soul and all that is within me,
bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and
forget not all His benefits. (Psalm 103:1-2)
We offer the sacrifice of praise, gratitude, testimonies as worship in this support space . This is a time to gather and share what we're grateful for in our lives.
We recognize and thank God, our lives, and those
who impact our lives.
It is hard to be grateful or feel like praising God when you are going through so much pain, disappointment, devastation, and loss?
Let's be honest. We are human.
To lift the heaviness we praise, we acknowledge
God's wonder and surrender to Him.
It isn't always easy, yet He's with us.
"Praise ye The Lord. All I want to do is praise ye The Lord. You've been so good to me so I praise ye the Lord and lift you up and praise your name." Partial chorus in Praise Ye the Lord by Leon Patillo.
Spiritual Medicine gives you a variety of ways you can feel comfortable to express yourself without limitations.
Conversation about
Gratitude of Praise
Listen to Yvette and Pastor Larry share what this incredible support of gratitude is all about!

We Can't Wait to Return!
Act of Love Award
Need Help? Apply Confidentially.
Welcome to Spiritual Medicine, where our focus is on providing essential medical and personal needs to members of our community who are struggling with financial hardships. We believe that it is our duty to help those in need, and we are proud to be a program within Juicy Fruits Ministry, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Our generous partners and friends make
Our Act of Love Award possible.
Our Acts of Love Award provides yearly financial support up to $500 to assist with essential needs for individuals and families of patients and caregivers in our Spiritual Medicine community.
JFM/SM fulfills Acts of Love Awards based on the donations available. Complete our application and provide required documents for consideration. The applicant will be contacted once a decision is made. We ask that no calls, texts, or email attempts are made to follow up on your application once submitted. You will forfeit consideration if instructions are not followed. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance in our community, please don’t hesitate to apply for our program.

Prayer Request

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them". Matthew 18:20
God calls us to have the heart of a child with reliance, trust and unlimited faith in Him. We at Spiritual Medicine are here to unite in intercessory prayer with you based on your prayer requests. Prayer is intimate, powerful and our love language of talking to God.
The Bible is filled with numerous types of prayers. However, the unifying thread in prayer is coming to God through Jesus Christ, affirming our spiritual practice, and seeking God's presence, thanksgiving, love, petitions, reflection, sanctification and more.
We will partner with you in confidential prayer. We'd also like to rejoice with you in praise as God answers.
“ Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” — Matthew 11:28
Please note we know God is the Great Physician.
In the Garden of Eden He conducted the first surgery, removing a rib from Adam to form Eve. Luke, the physician and companion to Paul wrote both the Gospel of Luke
and the book of Acts. God uses our medical doctors, nurses, and specialist to bring healing treatments to our lives.
We encourage you to always seek medical care and follow the advice of your doctors. Prayer is a spiritual tool, but not a substitute for medical treatment. We are not professionals.

Liz's vulnerability to share her experience with seizures resulting from brain cancer
in a blog offers support and hope to help others is shared here listen in.
Spiritual Medicine like Liz is reimagining what support groups are today.
As we fight illnesses please email us or come to our groups for support that matters.
We are walking this path together at Spiritual Medicine.
We want you to know we are here for you & yours.

How are you loving God, family, and friends?
Email us. Share right here via email: spiritualmedz@gmail.com
Leadership Team

Founder, Author,
and Co-Facilitator
35 years in ministry.
I believe outreach is an important part of spiritual connection.
Visit wwwjfministry.org

Pastor Larry
Officiant and Pastoral Services
45 years in ministry.
As a follower of Jesus Christ serving in the full gifts of pastoral, community and family services.
Visit www.jfministry.org

Partner with Us
Be our Difference. Be their Gift.
According to the CDC the leading causes of death and disability are leading drivers of the nation's
$3.8 Trillion in annual health care costs is chronic diseases.
Six out of ten adults have multiple chronic conditions.
We fall into this range and live with the hardships.
Spiritual Medicine is the life-line for individuals and families
who are holding on by a thread. The reality of lack, disparities, access to care, and outrageous costs hit home. We offer support and resources that chronically ill patients need.
We want partners like you to consider giving to alleviate
unmet medical, basic living, food insecurity, wifi access, student supplies to aid in success while learning and more. We also offer those without Pastoral care weddings, dedications, and funeral services. Yes, we are a full-service non-profit community.
We're happy, grateful, and ecstatic to you about any amount you are able to give. It will put a smile on the
faces of the people we assist.
Gifts can be made as you like. Consider a monthly, one-time, quarterly, or
annual donation. Your contribution is 100% tax deductible.
Thank you and Bless you!

Be involved with our cause and donate today. Your tax-deductible gift helps us answer the needs of those in our community.

Yvette's story!
Your gift helps others.
A warm, energetic, passionate wife, mother and nana
Yvette lives her life of faith with Christ as she battles chronic
illness. She's a fearless advocate and lives a life of service to others. She follows God's direction in her life with a passion while extending friendship, love, and help to many over the decades with her husband, Dan and her family. Yvette is dynamic. Read and gift her inspirational,
survival, and personal story, "Faith Leads The Way".
Yvette is available for speaking at your retreat, event,
and seminars via zoom please connect with us for booking.
Every purchase of her book on her website goes to
Juicy Fruits 501(c)(3) to help those struggling to make ends
meet so we can end medical bankruptcy, food, and insecurity housing.
Give the ultimate gift of encouragement year-round.
Grab a book in Yvette's Bookstore on our website.
For Speaking Engagements: Please provide pertinent event details and topics for speaking inquiries for our consideration. We reserve the right to review all requests and accept or decline. We require a minimum of one month in advance to book an engagement.
Donation to our community is requested for speaking engagements or professional services in advance. This supports those in need and provides you with a tax-deduction. Serious interest only.

College | YA + Faith: MeetUp Team
Wanted - Launching Virtually

We are building a community of young adult and college team of leaders who have a heart to relate, help and inspire Gen Zers and Millennials (18-25 years old) dealing with spiritual, physical, mental, emotional and social issues based in faith to lead our future generation. Collectively you will curate a platform of faith, friendship, and fun with us.
God's voice. Your voice & space.
Spiritual balance.
Right now. Right here. Virtually.
If you are interested in volunteering & bringing fresh support to others dealing with chronic illnesses we want you to apply. We need you. Bring your creativity and passion.
Applications being accepted.
We offer community service hours.
"You can click this link to apply"
Answer these questions in your email. Attach any photos or videos.
Acceptances will be announced as applicants qualify.
1. Tell us why you want to be on a team of youth leaders?
2. Which young adult or college based issues matter to you?
3. Where do you serve, volunteer, or help out?
4. How do you use your faith?
This will give you:
Community service hours | Supervisory Management
Organizational Management | Building our Social media platforms
Professional skills | Public speaking
Internship Opportunity | Team Building

Help Our Community Thrive!
Are you seeking a space and cause to be a part of? Join us at JFM/Spiritual Medicine.
We need volunteers, donors, and more to keep Spiritual Medicine going and touching lives. Our community offers faith, support, resources, empathy for those impacted by any form of illness. We need your experience. We need your passion. We need you. Click our button below to communicate with us.